Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  Politely. That’s how, Avery.

  “Uhm. I will. But I think you’ll be sorry. I don’t cook very well. You might want to order out while I’m here — it’s a better option, believe me. But I’ll cook if you want me to. Every day.”

  “Look how wonderfully you respond to discipline. You’re a good girl, Avery. You just need guidance and support, I’m thinking.” Preston lightly rubbed a finger down the side of her face. “As for the cooking, there’re cookbooks, you know. If you can read, you can cook. I’ll start you on easy recipes. Spaghetti and meatballs. Stuffed peppers. Meatloaf. Macaroni and Cheese. You’ll do fine. I don’t expect perfection. I expect diligence and perseverance. If you truly try and it’s deplorable, we’ll go out to dinner for sure.”

  Avery brightened and smiled back at him.

  “However,” he said, tapping her nose. “If I think you’re purposefully destroying dinners to go out, the belt around my waist will be kissing your backside again. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll try my best.”

  “I know you will.” Preston patted her bottom, nudging her to stand. “Now, you’re going to cook dinner, and I’ll help. But because of your defiance in this regard, you’re going to cook dinner with an apron on, but no pants or panties. Your red bottom on display will be part of the punishment for deciding to ignore this order. I think that humiliation will prevent you from doing it again. Am I correct, girlie?”

  Avery furrowed her eyebrows at him, and wanted to give a snarky response. She wanted to tell him she hoped he got violently ill from her cooking. She wanted to tell him that maybe a stray hair would end up in his food. But the spanking and the stripes across her bottom made her pause. Instead, she murmured, “Yes, Sir.”

  “I like that you processed your words first. You’re a fast learner. Let’s get your apron on and get some grub on the table!”

  Avery rolled her eyes.

  It’s gonna be a long damn-ass night.

  Chapter 7

  Preston looked at the clock. Avery should have been up twenty minutes ago. He would give her ten more minutes before he woke her up with a swat to her already sore bottom. He’d told her what time to be up, and she’d promised to set her iPhone.

  He was aching when he’d left her last night. The sight of that round, soft bottom turning red under his hand, and watching her come apart with her orgasm, feeling her clench around his fingers… he’d almost reacted like a thirteen year old boy with no control. She was a curvy woman, and he loved watching her climax. She was very vocal when she came. He loved watching a woman surrender to her feelings, to the sensations, to her animal lusts.

  Well, it was time to reignite the fire in Miss Avery’s bottom. Preston put his coffee mug down on the counter with a clunk, and made his way up the stairs, the creaking of the old wooden steps as he climbed to the second floor signaling his arrival. He lightly rapped on the door to Avery’s room, and, receiving no response, he pushed it open, the slow creak of the hinges loud in the silent room.

  “Avery? Avery Rose, it’s time to get up. Actually, it’s past the time to get up.”

  He walked over to her side of the bed. Her face was flushed from the warmth of her nightie, and the thick bed covers. Her curly hair was strewn on the pillow and mussed up in a very cute, bedraggled morning look. Her mouth was open and she was sleeping so soundly Preston actually felt bad having to wake her up. But she had been coddled most of her life, and this was a lesson in responsibility. He pulled the sheet and covers off her body slowly. As the covers made their way down her body, it became obvious that her nightie had risen in her slumber and his cock leapt at the sight of her tanned legs and the little slip of blue panties riding up the crevice of her bottom.

  Preston assumed the sudden rush of cool air as he entered the room made her stir in her bed. She turned over onto her side with her bottom facing him.

  How perfect!

  Preston angled himself so his arm and hand had full swing and he landed a very hard swat right on the center of her bottom. He wanted to hit hard enough to reignite the fire in her bottom from the night before.

  “OW!” Avery flopped onto her back, and with both hands clenched upon her bottom, she jumped out of bed, tears in her eyes. “Preston! Why’d you do that?”

  “What time did we say you need to be up, dressed, and downstairs this morning?”

  Preston rubbed his hands together, amazed at how red her buttocks still were, how warm her skin felt. Her bottom had to be in a world of hurt.

  Fresh tears ran down her face. “Uhm. Seven o’clock. What time is it?” She turned to look at the alarm clock. “Oh.”

  “Oh, is right. You were supposed to be downstairs twenty minutes ago. You still have to shower and dress. Get dressed. You can shower later. I expect you downstairs in ten minutes, or you’ll receive the wooden spoon.”

  He turned on his heel, not looking back, and shut the door behind him.

  Making his way down the stairs, he inspected the rooms that required so much work. Today he’d require her to do at least one of the chaotic upstairs bedrooms, and sort through the bookshelves in the den. The cookbook was laid out on the kitchen counter and she’d be required to pick a meal from one of the ten pages that he’d bookmarked.

  Moving and sorting weren’t the only things he’d require of her that day.

  * * *

  Washing the counters and the morning’s dishes, Avery looked out the window just in time to see Preston walk up to the barn and put something on the top of a window sill. Whatever it was, it looked small. She wondered if it could be the key to that building. He’d told her she was forbidden from entering that building. What would someone keep in a room that couldn’t be seen — even by a guest? It made no sense. Why the secrecy? Preston seemed so controlled, proper, — an upstanding citizen. What could he be hiding in a building on his property? She watched him feel for whatever it was he’d put there, tapping it with his hand before he turned to walk toward the house.

  Preston wiped his shoes on the rug at the backdoor, then walked into the kitchen. “So do you understand what your chores are today, Miss Avery?”

  “Yes! I don’t need a babysitter, Mr. Preston!”

  Avery glared at him, wiping her hands on the dish towel and tossing it aside. When she tried to brush past him, he grabbed her elbow.

  “After yesterday’s debacle, I beg to differ. I don’t want to find you sleeping in a pile of Doritos on my couch again. So I’ll ask again. Do you understand what chores you’re to complete?”

  “Yes.” She raised her chin, her lips pursed and tightened. “I do remember, actually. Is it you who can’t remember?”

  Preston grabbed her chin between his thumb and forefinger and leaned in close, his nose almost touching hers. “My memory is impeccable, girl. You’ll find that out soon enough. Tell. Me.”

  Avery paused, looking him in the eye — she wouldn’t cower to his pushy behavior this morning. He’d learn that she was independent. At some point, people learned that Avery Rose did what she wanted, when she wanted, and where she wanted. He would too. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

  Preston swatted her bottom so hard, it literally drove the breath from her lungs. She gasped, losing her footing.

  “Avery Rose! Speak to me now.”

  “Ow! That hurt!” Avery reached back, rubbing her bottom. “God, that hurt! What the frick?” Seeing that he was still waiting, she quickly added, “I’m supposed to clean the upstairs bedroom, clean the bookshelves in the den, and cook stuffed peppers with rice for dinner.”

  Preston nodded. “I’ll be home by five-thirty, and I expect them to be completed to the best of your ability or there’ll be consequences.”

  He pulled her close, and patted her bottom lightly.

  “I know.” Avery rolled her eyes. “They’ll be done. I promise.”

  * * *

  It was eleven o’clock and Avery had been steadily working all morning. She wiped at the sweat
on her brow, and looked around the den. After cleaning the shelves, she had categorized the books by specialty, and then by color. She was covered in dust and cobwebs and the persistent itching of her nose was driving her nuts.

  Time for a break.

  Entering the kitchen, Avery walked over to the sink and washed her hands thoroughly, working the suds between her fingers, then scrubbing the dust from her face. It felt good to get the grime off her face and hands. She went to the refrigerator and poured herself a large glass of lemonade, drinking it down quickly. She made herself a salami sandwich on wheat with provolone cheese. While washing her dishes, she looked back out the open back door at the locked building. After the last of the dishes were in the rack, the table and counters cleaned, she stood in the kitchen with her hands on her hips, looking out the door, wondering if she should see if that thing Preston put above the window was indeed a key.

  Is it worth it, Avery? Can your ass deal with another altercation with Preston tonight?

  Absently, she rubbed her bottom, surprised at the dull ache the touch of her hand reawakened in her flesh. Preston really knew how to dole out a punishment. Avery decided it was time investigate though. She was going to figure out what the hell was in that building. She looked at the clock — she had four hours before she had to start dinner.

  More than enough time.

  * * *

  Finished with court and back at his office, Preston took off his suit coat, loosened his tie, and sat down to review the files for the afternoon cases. He opened the first file, jotting down notes while logging into his laptop and opening the program for the security cameras at his house. Avery was washing dishes, looking out through the open back door as she worked. He switched to the den and upstairs cameras. The den looked amazing! He whistled out loud as he scanned over the bookshelves, checking her work. If this is what a spanking did, he needed to make sure she received discipline on a consistent basis. She’d done an impressive amount of work in just four hours.

  He clicked over to the bedroom.

  There were fresh linens on the bed, and it appeared that the windows had been washed. He scanned around the room and saw that she had de-cluttered the tables and shelves, and had moved some of the furniture. He then went to the hallway camera, noting that she had obeyed and left the furniture in the hallway for him to move when he came home.

  Good girl.

  She really had done well, and he’d have to bring her out to dinner as a reward. Getting out would probably do her some good.

  He went back to work on his file, reviewing information and adding more notes. He glanced at the surveillance camera feed he’d left up on his screen, and saw that Avery had walked outside, moving around the side of the house toward the back yard. Curiosity piqued, Preston put down his pencil and sat back to watch what she was doing. She had a great ass. She looked amazing in those yoga pants and skinny little tank top. He remembered the softness of her round ass warming under his hand, the way her bottom jiggled under the jarring swats, how hard it made his cock. Her bottom in those tight pants was more than he could handle today. Watching her climax was the hottest thing he had seen in a while, and he hoped they would continue to explore a relationship.

  As she trusted him more, and they went deeper, he would see where things went.

  Where is she going?

  He leaned forward, staring at the screen. Avery walked up to the barn and reached up over the window sill, easing her finger over the top, feeling around for something hidden up there.

  Preston growled. “Son of a bitch! That little shit must’ve seen me put that damn key up there this morning. I’m going to paddle her ass.” Preston stood with his hands on his hips, waiting to see where this was leading.

  Avery grabbed what he assumed was the key, then she smiled and did a little dance in a circle.

  He’d set her to dancing tonight, for sure.

  She had been specifically told that the building wasn’t any of her business; it was private and she’d been ordered to stay away. Avery ran to the locked building, and was still dancing at the door while putting the key into the lock. The door opened and she entered.

  “Son of a fucking bitch!” Preston shouted, slamming his laptop shut, shoving it into its case as he shrugged on his suit coat. “Liz, I’ll be going home.

  “Was that you swearing in there?” Liz was rounding her desk just as Preston entered the room. “I‘ve never heard you swear like that. Is everything okay?”

  “I’m sorry, Liz. Yeah, that was me. It’s not life or death, but it’s a situation I’ve gotta deal with immediately. Again, I apologize for having to run like this.”

  Preston ran out the door, leaving Liz staring at his back.

  * * *

  Avery walked into the dark room. She felt her way along the sill of one window, finding the cord for the blinds and drawing them open, bright light flooding the room. There was a light switch right next to the window, and she flipped it on, turning to see what was in the room.

  Avery gasped.

  Oh. My. God.

  Shocked, she wasn’t entirely sure what she was looking at. She had heard about rooms like this. She had read books and knew that they were depicted in some of the hotter romance novels. It looked like a… playroom.

  He was hiding a BDSM playroom!

  The room was painted in a burgundy with black trim on the molding, deep charcoal carpeting stretching wall to wall, all the furniture in maple or painted black. It was tastefully done — not that she knew how a playroom was supposed to look — but this one felt almost… classy. There was even a bed with pretty black and white bedspread on it.

  Did he sleep in here? Why would there be a bed?

  She smiled to herself — that meant he was a Dom. Preston was a full-fledged Dom! Well, her spankings made more sense now, as did his ability to command a situation, his need to control.

  All of it made sense now.

  The room’s recessed lighting was muted, doing its part to create a sexy atmosphere. Focused down lights showcased each piece of equipment in the room, many of which she didn’t recognize. She walked up to one of the few sets of equipment she did know, a St. Andrew’s cross. She had read about those in her erotica romance books. She fingered the chains and straps for the wrists and ankles, stroking a palm down the dark, cold wood. She put her wrist into one of the cuffs, feeling the softness of the fur-lining on her wrists. She leaned against the wood, imagining Preston using a flogger on her back. She wondered how that would feel, as she pressed her face against the wood. She pulled away, rubbing the varnished wood before walking to the next piece of equipment.

  Next to the cross were old fashioned wooden stocks like those used in medieval days. She lifted the top of the stocks and put her head in it. She decided she wouldn’t put her hands in it, in case she got stuck.

  God, Preston would kill me!

  She decided that getting out of the stocks was probably the best thing at this point. She went over to the beautiful bed in the corner of the room with a black and white paisley bedspread, the black curtains tied to each post by broad satin sashes. The bed posts had several eyebolts screwed into the wood. But why? They were the kind of bolts she might use to hang plants in her apartment, but it wouldn’t exactly make sense to hang plants from bed posts.

  Then again, it was Preston.

  She went to the end of the bed to sit down. She swung her feet expecting to hit the mattress and instead heard the clunk of metal. She jumped down and there were metal bars at the end of the bed built right into the frame for the bed. There was even a little door built into the bars, allowing someone to crawl under the high bed. The handle on the door wasn’t locked so Avery opened it, looking inside at the contents and pretty white lights hanging from the ceiling of the space. In a weird way, it reminded her of a pet crate.

  Oh for Christ’s sake! A cage? Preston doesn’t have a pet does he?

  There was a large pink pillow inside the pet cage or crate, it was set in the
middle of the space, similar to a body pillow. The pillow had the word “Kitty” engraved on it in black calligraphy. Resting atop the pillow was a pretty black velvet collar with a large pink bell that also had “Kitty” written on it.

  Mmmmmm, I’ll have to look for this… Kitty.

  She opened the door further and peeked inside the crate — it was huge. The space ran the length of the bed itself, such that a person sleeping in the bed would be directly above the animal in the cage. And she was right, that kitty pillow was like a body pillow, only larger.

  Crawling inside the crate, she snuggled with the pillow. She rubbed her face on it, stopping to sniff it. It smelled like powder, and felt good against her face. She picked up the collar. It was much larger than a cat collar. Either this was a huge cat, or this was a human collar. But it said “Kitty” on the pink bell on the front. She put the collar on and shook her head, laughing, listening to the bell. The black velvet felt soft against her neck, and she fingered the pink bell. The tinkling of the bell was light and airy and for some reason it made her… happy.

  She shook her head again, listening to the pretty bell that said “Kitty.” She wondered who the cat was, or if the name signified a woman named Kitty, It was a possibility. She ran her hand over the softness of the velour pillow one last time before turning to crawl out. At the last moment before opening the cage door, she paused, crawling over and rubbing her face on the pillow again.

  Then Avery turned around and crawled out, continuing her investigation of the playroom.

  The wall in front of the bed had what appeared to be a china cabinet — it was lit from the inside. However, upon closer inspection, the cabinet was chock full of implements. There were paddles, hairbrushes, canes and floggers. She pulled on the brass handles, opening it, the smells of cherry wood and leather filling her nostrils. She fingered the flogger — suede, soft and comforting. She pulled the flogger from the cabinet, wondering how the suede would feel on her back. She hit her leg with it, testing the feel. The thud wasn’t really painful.