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Finding Submission (Service & Submission Book 1) Page 16

  The comfort of those tramlines. She tried thinking of what they felt like, what to compare them to. Tramlines were similar to one of those little badges that got sewn onto your Girl Scout’s sash. You struggled to receive those little patches. It was difficult at times, and yet every time you looked at them they were… pretty. They made you feel warm inside. Tramlines did that for her. She felt a sense of satisfaction and pride when she looked at them. Those lines said: “I misbehaved, I got punished (and it hurt like fucking hell), but I survived and… he loves me, he cares, he makes rules. And I like that I have rules, that he wants me to be a better person.”

  It made no sense to her — and she would deny it if asked — but she loved to look at them, to lie in bed and trace them with her fingers. She liked receiving them just as much as he liked giving them.

  But when it was happening, as it was at that moment — it sucked ass. It hurt — and she wanted to throw a shoe at him! She didn’t understand why she allowed him to do it, and she hated herself for liking it. But more than that, it just plain hurt.

  “Roll over on your belly, Kitten. Let me look at your bottom.”

  Avery didn’t hesitate to do as she was told this time. She rolled over, amazed that she still felt embarrassed to present her ass after a caning. But the vulnerability was still there, no matter how many times she’d done it.

  His fingertips traced her lines. “You’re going to be sore tomorrow, sweetie. Are you going to submit now?“

  “Y-yes, Sir. It hurts, so b-bad.” Avery quietly started to cry again still feeling the dull ache from the cane.

  “As it’s supposed to. The pain is an incentive to behave and listen to orders. I’m putting some cream on them to help with the healing and dull the pain some. I want my kitty sleeping well, and you can’t do that very well with a throbbing backside.” He retrieved the canister of cream from the bathroom, returning to gently rub the cool cream into the lines. Initially the tramlines burned and stung terribly, but then the blessed emollient soaked in, soothing the pain.

  * * *

  Preston loved feeling the lines under his forefinger as he spread the emollient into them to ease the pain and assist in healing. Just the sight of the cane marking her bottom had his dick was so hard he could barely see straight. He loved the feeling of power, the charge of dominance he got from watching a woman submit to discipline, watching her fighting it then finally surrendering, the sobs and tears that came with her remorse. His arousal climbed as the woman’s submission deepened. He often wondered how men stayed in relationships and marriage without this element; he would never have a relationship or marriage without it. The role of Head of Household was of utmost importance to him, and he would have a loving and caring marriage where the wife had say in all household matters, but where his dominance would be respected and submitted to without fail.

  He wanted to bury himself within her, feel the warmth of that red, striped bottom against his groin — but it was going to have to wait. He needed to get her into her kitten bed while she was still in a compliant, submissive mood.

  Preston patted her hip possessively. “C’mon Kitten, let’s put you to bed. Your bed is warmed up and the lights are on — everything is waiting for you.”

  Responding to his tug on her leash, Avery went to the floor and crawled to the crate. The site of her freshly spanked and striped bottom highlighted by the white tail swaying and brushing over her buttocks was more than Preston could resist.

  He reached for her, sliding his finger down the cleft of her ass, delving into the slit of her sex. “Okay Kitty, you’re dripping wet. Keep crawling. I’m enjoying the show, the sway of those hips and your striped ass.”

  When they were at the crate he squatted on the floor, opening the door and showed her the inside. “See the vents on the side? They filter heat into the crate to keep you warm — the dial right here will turn the heat up or down. See the red button over here on the back?”

  Avery nodded.

  “That button is the emergency release for the door. As I said earlier, I don’t want you opening that unless you’re having a nightmare, or you’re really upset. You won’t like the consequences of opening it just because you’re sick of it. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, Sir”

  “Good girl.” He pointed up at the roof of the enclosure. “And these lights up here are to keep you from being afraid of the dark. If they’re too bright, this switch over here, will dim them. See? I thought of everything for my girlie.”

  Avery smiled at him. He loved her smile. He would do just about anything to keep her smiling. “Let me take your leash and collar off so you can sleep comfortably.”


  Preston raised an eyebrow at her. She was sassy, but it was unusual for her to be openly defiant after a punishment. She was usually quite compliant indeed after a punishment.

  Avery quickly responded. “I-I mean, no — don’t take my collar off, please. Do we have to take it off? I like having it on and I think I’ll sleep better with it on. Please, Sir.”

  Preston felt his cock jerk in response. How could this be happening to him? How in the name of hell did he get fortunate enough to find a woman who wanted to wear a kitten collar to bed? He was bursting inside with love and a possessive affection for her — he had never felt so blessed and so proud in his life – ever. He reached over to take her leash off and instead pulled her against his chest, kissing the top of her head.

  What a treasure. My treasure.

  “You can absolutely wear your collar to bed, sweetheart. You’ve pleased me more with that one question than I even know how to say. I swear I feel like giving you the world, right now.”

  Avery pulled her head away, a mischievous grin playing at her lips.

  “Don’t even think about it, bad girl. You will not take advantage of that… but maybe tomorrow we’ll see about rewarding you for this.”

  Kissing her on the forehead again, he said goodnight and patted her bottom, encouraging her into her kitty bed for the night. He latched the door behind her, and watched her snuggle up onto her large, pink kitty pillow.

  My treasure.

  Chapter 12

  The rattle of the cage roused Avery from her slumber, but when she tried to sit up she hit her head on the top of the crate.

  “Ow! Shit!” Avery rubbed her head.

  “Oh, kitty. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you, I was trying to be quiet and not startle you.” Preston rubbed her head where she banged it, his other hand stroking her thigh.

  “What time is it, Preston?”

  “It’s three thirty in the morning. I couldn’t sleep and needed some kitty time. I need you to come up here and sleep with me in the bed.” He extended a hand to her. “C’mon, I’ll help you out of here.”

  After Preston drew her out of the crate, he pointed down. “Avery, lean over the night stand here so I can take your tail out.”

  Avery bent over and before her upper body even touched the wood surface, Preston groaned and reached out to cup her breasts.

  “God, I love seeing your breasts dangling like that, in the blue light of the alarm clock. It’s so fucking hot.” He milked her breasts, pressing his hard penis against her bottom. Just the feel of his cock in the cleft of her bottom had her sex throbbing. She pushed back on him, his breath increasing, the insistent tugs on her nipples ramping up her own reaction.

  “Jesus, the feel of that tail on my cock is… Christ, I love that tail of yours. We’re definitely keeping that.”

  “I’m glad, Sir. I’ve kinda gotten used to it. I think I like having a tail, and I definitely like knowing that my fluffy tail turns you on.”

  “It does that for sure, girl,” he said, his voice thick. “Let’s get it out, so I can sink myself into you. I’m thinking you’ll like me up your ass more than that tail. Am I correct?”

  “I don’t know. It might be a tossup at this point.” Avery giggled, and he couldn’t help but chuckle with her. She was so sassy, and
though that was a trait he didn’t normally like, her sass made him laugh every day. Who could resist that?

  “I think I can convince you that I’m much better than the tail, girl.” He swatted her bottom, pressing his hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her down onto the nightstand. “Smart ass.”

  “Hey, how the hell do you get to swear and call me names? I can’t do that to you!”

  “I’m not calling you names, sweetie. It’s the truth. You’re a smart ass, and you know it.”

  Grasping the end of the plug, Preston pulled out her tail, bringing it to the sink and returning with a warm wash cloth to wash Avery’s bottom hole. After cleaning her, he worked lube into her channel, pressing two fingers easily into her ass; the plug was a good size, leaving her well stretched and ready. She moaned every time he pressed his fingers into her, and he stroked her clit to increase her arousal still more. Her hips pressed back onto his fingers, her ass squeezing around him.

  Preston inserted his fingers from his other hand into her pussy. “Jesus, Avery, you’re drenched.” Both her scent, and the wet sounds of his fingers plundering her sex filled the air. He loved the smell of an aroused woman and her breathy moans, the sway of her hips and jiggling of breasts that accompanied aroused writhing. Her nipples were hard, and pointed tips almost glowing, bathed in the clock’s ghostly blue luminescence. He ran his hand over her well-striped ass, leaving a bright trail of her moisture over flushed skin still warm to the touch.

  “Preston, please. Please I need to come!”

  “Uh-uh, you have to wait, sweet kitten. Your owner hasn’t even entered you yet. Don’t come until I say, Avery Rose. Understood?”

  He slapped her bottom in warning.

  “Yes, damn it. I hate waiting!”

  Preston couldn’t help but chuckle at her exclamation. She wasn’t known for her patience, but he thought she was just about the most adorable thing he had ever seen. “We’re all aware that you don’t like waiting. But I’m teaching you patience, aren’t I sweetheart?”

  “I don’t want to talk. I want to do. Can we just get on with it?” She was growling low in her throat as she thrust back repeatedly upon his fingers. By the feel of her spasms she would be coming soon.

  Preston didn’t want to punish her again tonight. Her bottom was already sore, so he quickly pulled his fingers out, slapping her bottom. “Hop up onto the bed, Kitten. Head down, ass up.”

  “You did that on purpose!” Avery stomped her foot on the floor as she righted herself. “I was so close I could taste it!”

  “What I did was keep you from getting a hard paddling for disobedience again tonight. You can thank me later. Keep that mouth under guard, girlie — or you’ll be sorry.” Preston pointed at the mattress. “Now, do as I said and get up on that bed.”

  As Avery got into position in the middle of the bed, Preston languidly lubed his cock. Kneeling behind her, he took hold of her hips, and slid into her bottom hole with one fluid motion. Once he was in to the hilt, he stilled within her, letting her adjust to his length and girth. Playing with her breasts and clit, Avery started grinding her hips against him, as Preston slowly pulled out and again pressed into her with one thrust.

  “Christ, Preston. Move! I need to come. Hurry!”

  Preston growled in response. “I think I’ve had about enough of you giving me orders during sex, girlie. That ends tonight. You’ll wait to come, and if you ask me again, I’ll make sure you don’t come for the next two days. Are you okay with waiting, Avery Rose?”

  She muttered something, but he couldn’t make it out, so he slapped each hip, leaving his pink hand prints on the alabaster skin.

  “Ow! Yes, it’s okay. I’ll wait, Sir.”

  “The next thing we’re going to remedy in your near future, girl, is the muttering you do under your breath. I don’t like it, and I refuse to wonder one more time what you’re saying. You’ve been warned. If I were you, I’d heed the warning.”

  The simple truth was, Preston was ready to rocket off himself. So he continued at his pace, stroking her clit as her breathy moans matched each plunge deep into her rosebud. Her pussy was spasming, her hips jerking in response to each thrust. The tingle in his balls was his warning that his release was imminent. “Avery, you can come, sweetheart.”

  She climaxed instantly, her cries and the clenching of her bottom catapulting him into his own release, drawing a primal growl from him. He pulled her close to his chest and rolled with her until they lay on their sides, spooning together in that quiet, sweet time between release and reality. Preston pressed soft kisses to her hair and along her neck. Sensing the tension in her body – he knew how paranoid she was about her cleanliness after they’d had sex — he got up to get a wet cloth to clean her so they could sleep until morning.

  Once they were cuddled in bed again, tangled up in each other, her soft breathing signaling that she’d had fallen asleep, Preston laid awake thanking God for the wonderful blessing of the woman wrapped in his arms. The circumstances that brought them together were unfortunate, but he would always be grateful to have this woman he loved in his life and vowed that she wouldn’t leave his house come December — and the end of her sentence.

  He would make her a permanent fixture in his house — and his life.

  Chapter 13

  Avery had been amazed since their “Kitty Fiesta weekend” as she called it, at the new level of dominance and submission permeating their interactions. Preston had been right — since that weekend she had been much more attentive to his needs and wants. She found herself seeking him out more and more, checking to make sure he was comfortable, not too hot or cold, that he was well fed, and regularly inquiring if he needed her to do anything — sexual or otherwise.

  And Preston had been the same. He was very attentive, and his level of control and need to care and protect had seemed to skyrocket. She was coddled and cared for in a way that she had never had in any relationship in her life. The discipline had ramped up too, and he required deeper submission from her.

  And she liked it.

  How did that make any sense? She’d never been somebody that took orders.

  Avery woke up each morning, excited to see what new demands he had for her that day. Some days she was to clean naked. Other days when he arrived home from work, he expected to find her kneeling naked in the foyer, her back to the door, ass up in the air, and her head down. When he arrived home later that day, she would be required to greet him at the door in her kitty outfit, her tail inserted, and she was to lick his balls and cock, washing him with her tongue.

  Avery found herself questioning her motives, her depth in this relationship. What did she want? Did she want to be involved with Preston — on a long term basis? Did she want to leave when December came? Did she hope that they would continue with their relationship when her sentence was up?

  There were so many questions. She just needed to get away for a little bit. Go out. And, that’s where the problem was — she wasn’t supposed to leave the property without Preston. She wanted to go out for drinks and be alone for a while and think. She opened his desk drawer and found the keys for the truck he had on the property. The truck he used to load things and bring them to the dump. She was told that she was never to use the vehicle, that if she needed to go anywhere, she was to ask him and he would bring her wherever she wanted to go.

  The hard metal of the keys were cold in the palm of her hand. She looked out the window and saw the white truck sitting by the barn. Waiting. She could just take the truck and go into town. Go to the local bar, have a couple drinks, and be back before Preston even knew about it.

  Her bottom tingled in anticipation of the paddling that he would give her. Well, it wouldn’t be a paddling. He’d warned her back when he showed her the woodshed. She’d asked what a razor strop would be used for in a woodshed — what type of punishment required that kind of implement, and his response had been: “I would make sure you don’t break the law or injure yourself or othe
rs while you’re here — no leaving the property alone, no drinking to excess, no drugs, and no stealing. A session with a razor strop isn’t easily forgotten, and makes sitting difficult for days.”

  It definitely gave her reason for pause. Preston wasn’t someone who gave light punishments, if he decided one was warranted — it was always painful and memorable. For him to say “makes sitting difficult” and, “isn’t easily forgotten”, frankly scared the shit out of her. If he thought that… she needed to give it serious consideration before leaving.

  She looked at the truck again and back at the keys in her hand.

  Fuck it!

  She was going. She hadn’t been out of the house in five months. Sure, she only had four weeks before she was a free woman again, but four weeks felt like four months at that moment — and she was going to be a free bird today. Today — the kitty was leaving the cat house. It was time to light up the town and go prowling.

  * * *

  Preston came home expecting to see Avery at the door, ass up, waiting to suck him off. He looked in the living room, in the kitchen — no Avery.

  “Avery Rose, you better get your naked, naughty ass down the stairs now before I find your disobedient bottom and give it a good blistering.”

  Nothing. Crickets.

  Preston decided she must have taken a nap. He hoped she wasn’t getting sick. Climbing the stairs two at a time, he walked into their bedroom. The bed was made, everything was in order as required. He checked the other rooms upstairs. No Avery. He was starting to worry. Where could she be?

  He looked out the window toward the barns to see if she was out there, and that’s when he saw it — his truck was gone.

  Opening the drawer in his desk, he was already certain the keys were gone. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, expelling a deep breath. She left the house without him. She knew. She knew! She had been specifically told that it was unlawful for her to leave the house without an escort during her six month stay there.