My Russian Master (Service & Submission Book 3) Read online

Page 10

  He snatched up her panties from the floor, holding them open at her feet. “Put your hands on my shoulders and step into them.”

  She sighed, rolling her eyes. “I can put them on myself, you know.” She held her hand out for them. “Give ‘em to me.”

  Looking up at her, he quirked an eyebrow. “Nyet. Do as I said. Now. Starting tomorrow we work on you obeying. Your ass will be sore if you don’t improve soon. Maxim does not repeat orders. Ever.”

  Her stomach flipped, her clit coming instantly to life, throbbing at the sternness.

  Shit, that voice of his.

  The deep rumble of it scared her almost as much as it turned her on.

  She put her hands on his shoulders, feeling like a little girl as she stepped into her panties. He pulled them up her stocking-encased legs, a finger tracing the line of mini buttons on the front of the panties that lead to her clit. “Jesus, I love these buttons. Can you get more of these in different colors?”

  She giggled. “I suppose I could.”

  “Why is this funny?” He looked genuinely confused. Usually, no panties was the preference of most men — and when they were present, they were usually ripped off her body.

  “I’ve never had a guy request I buy certain panties. If you like them that much, I’ll get more tomorrow.” She slid her hand over his bald head again. She wondered if he’d look as masculine with hair. She preferred him this way — rugged, rough, and ready, the stubble on his face only amplifying his maleness. Though it was hell against her soft skin, she wouldn’t trade his wiry facial growth for anything. She thought about how that stubble would feel rubbing against her bare pussy, and her sex clenched on cue.

  Both his eyebrows rose. “Wow. What were you just thinking about?”

  “Do I have to tell?” She rolled her eyes, and his hand reached around, landing a swat upon her bottom.

  “No rolling your eyes. Yes, tell me. I want to know.”

  She bit her lip, staring into that dark gaze of his. He wasn’t angry — yet. She’d just have to tell him. It would be embarrassing as hell, but she didn’t dare push him. She had just gotten back into her panties back — she didn’t want to risk being bared all over again.

  “I like the stubble on your face, and I was...” She paused, staring at him, taking a deep breath before confessing her thoughts. “I was thinking how amazing that stubble will feel… on my pussy.”

  “Jesus Christ.” He didn’t even try to hide how it affected him, adjust himself in his pants. “I’ll be sure to give you your fantasy, devochka, if you decide you want to move forward with this, you’ll feel my face on that hot, juicy cunt of yours. It will be my pleasure.”

  His words left her blushing yet again. It was embarrassing, yet she found herself more than a little excited about what tomorrow might hold.

  “Let’s get you to bed. I’ll clean up in here and then go to sleep myself.”

  He tucked her under his arm, holding her to his side as he walked her down the hall to her room. He pulled down the bedspread and sheets, patting the mattress for her to climb in.

  “But…” She looked over at her dresser. “I need a nightie.”

  “You’ll sleep better in the nude. Most people do. Come, lie down.” He motioned her toward the bed. “Besides, your backside will want nothing on it, at least for tonight. Just a small spanking. The pain will be gone very soon.”

  She stopped near the bed. “That didn’t feel like a little spanking. Your hand is like a piece of granite.”

  “So I’ve been told.” He winked at her. “It is good incentive, no?”

  She flopped onto her belly, keeping pressure off her already too sore bottom. Maxim gently tucked the blankets around her shoulders. “Such a good little myshka. Sleep tight. We talk tomorrow. Your alarm is set, yes?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She nestled into the pillow, beginning to drift off toward sleep already.

  She was exhausted — but she was also safe, relaxed, and happy.

  Very happy.

  Chapter Eleven

  Maxim had breakfast ready for her when she walked into the kitchen. She had dressed in a beautiful, smart charcoal suit with a burgundy silk shell. The outfit had his cock twitching instantly. He wondered what panties she had on today. Were they another pair of those panties with the buttons, or something else?

  “Morning, Caroleena. Sleep well?” He continued to stir the scrambled eggs in the pan while waiting for the toast to finish. “There are some fresh berries and orange juice. Grab your coffee and come sit. Breakfast is almost ready.”

  “My skirt is fitting looser today.” She beamed, twirling for him.

  “See? And you aren’t hungry all day either. Eating smart and exercise is all you need.” He placed her eggs on her plate, sliding it in front of her.

  After putting the pan in the sink, he turned to her. “How’s your bottom this morning?”

  “Maxim! I… don’t want to talk about it.” She dropped her gaze to her plate, suddenly very interested in her eggs.

  “I didn’t ask if you wanted to talk about it. How’s your bottom?” He watched closely for her reaction. Stubborn and independent to the last. They were qualities he very much liked about her. She still had some rough edges though, and he’d make it his mission to soften them if she decided to move forward with the next step in their relationship.

  She stared at him, apparently trying to judge how serious he was. “It’s… fine. It’s not even sore anymore. No marks either.”

  Was that wistfulness he heard? Did she wish she had marks to look at this morning?

  “Have you decided if you want to pursue a relationship with me, Caro?” He couldn’t remember the last time he felt uncomfortable, even nervous about a woman agreeing to date him. She intrigued him —and he wanted to see how they would be together.

  “I’d really like to get to know you better. Yes, please.” She smiled at him, almost looking bashful. He was sure that wasn’t a normal look for her. She wanted to see him and take this further, it made him as giddy as a schoolboy.

  “Good. Me too.” He kissed her gently. “It is a good morning, Caro. Yes?”

  “Yes.” She squirmed on the barstool.

  He cleared his throat. “You need to know, if I have to punish you again for ill treatment of staff, you will have marks the morning after. Trust me.” He opened the drawer in front of him. “That reminds me. You will wear this all day. No taking it off. If you misbehave, you will be spanked when you get home. Hard. I’m stricter when the grown-up is my girl.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the badge he held up for her. “God, I’m going to hate this.”

  “No need to hate it. It is reminder to behave. That is all. Behave, and the camera is no problem.”

  She sighed, pulling the badge out to look at the tiny camera embedding inside it. He could almost see the wheels turning in her pretty head.

  “Do not try me, Caroleena!” He wagged his finger at her.

  “What?” Her wide-eyed, innocent look was as sweet as it was fake. He wasn’t buying it.

  “You know! Do not cover that camera. You will be paddled for that after your spanking for being inappropriate. I have nice big paddle in my bag. It will cover your whole bottom.” He glared at her. “Want to try it?”

  “No! No, I don’t. Besides, you’re being paranoid. I wasn’t even thinking about that.” She jumped off the stool, waving at him. “I’m going to be late. Let me get Jason, and I’ll be leaving.”

  “Behave!” He yelled after her as she fled from the room.

  She’d be some work, but part of him delighted in her mischievous streak. He had a feeling that Caroleena didn’t get to play very often. He’d spar with her until she took things too far — then it would be time to correct her.

  He had absolutely no problem drawing boundaries and keeping the gorgeous woman in line.

  * * *

  Caroline slid into the backseat of her SUV, Jason closing the door after her. He climbed in
to the front seat, looking in the side mirror before pulling into the crazy Manhattan traffic.

  “Did you have a good day, Caroline?”

  “Yes. I’m going to be seeing Derek again soon, and I’m hoping…” She really didn’t want to share her concerns about her weight, or let Jason know that Derek had gotten under her skin. “Never mind.”

  He frowned at her. “You know I don’t like answers like that, but since it’s Derek I can understand the frustration. You let me know when you need someone to have a ‘talk’ with that asshole.”

  She smiled back at him. “I promise I will, Jason.”

  Pushing aside her feelings about Derek, Caroline’s thoughts turned to what might happen once she got back home — to the waiting Maxim. Just thinking about him made her happy. He’d promised to let her feel his stubble tonight. Would he remember? She looked out onto the busy streets of New York City. So many people she passed were holding hands. Spring and love were in the air. It had been a long time since she’d felt happy, since she’d hoped that love might finally be within reach.

  It’s too soon to be thinking like this. You have to slow down or you’ll scare him off!

  She needed to get her head straight. Between her concern for losing weight, Derek the Snake, and speaking nicely to the staff, her thoughts were a chaotic jumble.

  Caroline took a deep breath. She had blown up at Sammi this morning. Though she’d successfully smoothed it over later, her admin eventually laughing it off, would Maxim still spank her for it? She tried not to think about the prospect of another spanking tonight. Instead, she’d fantasized about his stubbled upper lip and chin buried in her pussy.

  “Caroline, I’m talking to you. Are you sure you’re okay? You nervous about something?”

  Jason eyed her suspiciously through his mirror.

  “Yes… I’m fine. I’m just distracted — got so much to do tomorrow.” Outside her window, she saw kids skipping rope on the sidewalk. It would be nice not to have a care in the world, enjoying the simple pleasures of playing.

  “Speaking of which, Maxim called me today and wanted to know if you were nice this morning. You know, polite and kind?” His eyes narrowed slightly. “What’s up with that?”

  She definitely didn’t want to tell him about the new rules Maxim had decreed her. The last thing she needed was Jason telling Maxim about her misbehaviors.

  “Nothing that I know of,” she lied, unable to stop herself from nibbling at her bottom lip. “He must have just been curious.”

  “Uh huh.” He paused, watching her closely. Too closely. “Seems odd to me, but okay. Are you two trying to date yet?”

  She couldn’t resist telling him she was so overjoyed. “Yes, as of this morning we’ve decided to try seeing one another.”

  He gave her a wolfen grin. “That makes sense.”

  She scrunched her nose at him. “What does that mean?”

  “Men like Maxim and I have different standards for our women. We like their behavior to be above reproach — especially in public. You’re going to learn to restrain that tongue of yours, young lady.”

  “That doesn’t mean he’s going to be like you are with Karen.” She paused, watching him grin again. He was so damned smug.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Jason said, his eyes back on the road. “I can just feel you gearing up to tell me off with some of your trademark colorful vocabulary. If you push me too far though… I may have to ask Maxim to take you in hand.” He closed the darkened window between them, leaving Caroline speechless.

  This is ridiculous!

  Would Maxim actually listen to Jason? Probably. She wondered once more just what she’d gotten herself into.

  They pulled into the garage, and she waited for Jason to open the door. He’d been such a stickler about her safety lately, so just in case he really was tempted to talk to Maxim, she decided not to push her luck. Not after her behavior today, anyway. The way things stood now, she’d consider herself lucky to get off with only a stern lecture.

  “Let’s get you upstairs.” Jason grasped her elbow, walking her to the elevator. “I have some paperwork I have to pick up from my desk and then I get to go home and deal with my errant wife tonight. I already brought the kids to grandma’s house.”

  “Wait... what? Karen’s in trouble?” She didn’t know why she felt surprised. It wasn’t the first time she’d heard of him going home to “deal with” his wife. And she’d heard many stories from Karen about the discipline sessions for things like speeding, going over budget, raising her voice at the kids, and numerous other offenses.

  “Yes. That shouldn’t surprise you. My little wife can’t seem to stay out of trouble for more than a month at a time, it seems.” He clenched his jaw as he hit the elevator button repeatedly. “I walked into the house last night to find her on Social media — and dinner burning in a pan on the stove. She’d ‘forgot’ it was on. After tonight, she won’t turn a burner on and leave the kitchen again without her ass tingling.”

  “Jason, things happen. People forget. I’m sure she didn’t do it on purpose.” She tried cajoling him to see reason — her reasoning.

  He pulled his sunglasses off, eyebrows furrowed. “That’s how fires occur. Most fires happen by accident. People who haphazardly turn the stove on then get engrossed in their phone conversations, or they fall asleep, or in Karen’s case, got sidetracked with goddamn Social media.” He put his sunglasses back on.

  “Well, I guess that’s true.”

  “Of course it’s true! Social media, of all the things! She’s like a damn teenager. Well, she’s going to be spanked like she’s a bratty teenager tonight. She put not only herself, but her kids at risk — for a silly distraction.”

  The door opened and they walked into her foyer. Without a word, Jason turned left toward his office. She took her shoes off, feeling a little concerned about Karen; she’d be sitting tenderly tomorrow. Walking into the kitchen, Caroline found Maxim sitting on a barstool — with no dinner waiting for her.

  “Hi.” She tried sounding casual, but avoided eye contact.

  “Strip. Hand me your badge.” He held his hand out for it.

  She stopped dead in her tracks.


  He looked so serious, a vertical line between his eyebrows, his gaze narrowed, lips a thin line.

  “What? Why?”

  Jason breezed into the room, obviously overhearing Maxim’s demand. “Sounds like someone else besides my wife is getting a good paddling tonight.” He patted Maxim on the shoulder as he walked by, opening the fridge to grab a cold bottled water. Walking over to stand in front of Maxim, Jason never took his eyes off Caroline. “What’d she do, my friend?”

  “Why don’t you tell Jason why you’re going to receive my belt tonight, Caroleena?” Maxim leaned forward on the barstool, bracing his chin on his palm.

  “You’re going to... I-I’m not sure what…” She tried to swallow down the lump in her throat. Could he be talking about what happened with Sammi that morning? She feared it might be something else — and that she’d receive not one, but two spankings.

  “Oh. You aren’t sure? How about I show you.” Maxim reached for the laptop on the counter, opening it and turning it toward Jason. “Would you like to see what Caroleena did?”

  “No,” Caroline said, hoping to stop this before things went any further. “He… has to go home. He said that he has to ‘deal with’ Karen tonight.”

  Both men’s heads swiveled toward her, their hard gazes fixing her in place. Maxim spoke first. “First, I was not talking to you. You stand quietly.” He turned his attention back to Jason. “Your wife being punished too? What did she do?”

  Jason frowned, shaking his head. “She had dinner over an open flame on the stove, and got distracted with Social media while her food started to burn.”

  “Oh, hell! That is serious punishment.” Maxim whistled. “Yes, that would be sore little ass in my book.”

  Jason nodded. “In m
ine too. She’ll be standing most of the day tomorrow — or lying on her belly in bed.”

  “Come, Caroleena Leigh. Stand over here.” Maxim pointed to the floor between Jason and himself. She shuffled over reluctantly, wanting anything else but to stand between the two imposing disciplinarians. “Let’s show Jason what you did today, yes?”

  “Do we really—”

  “Yes. Stand quietly unless I ask you to speak. You speak again, will make you strip in front of Jason.” He hadn’t even looked at her as he spoke the words. He simply commanded… and she obeyed.

  Maxim started the video on the laptop, both men watching in silence as if Caroline wasn’t standing right next to them. Sammi came into the hidden camera’s view. “Morning, Caroline.”

  “What’s so good about it? Christ, I need a Starbucks. Here’s ten bucks.” She tossed the money over the counter, making Sammi scramble to catch it. “Go across the street and get me both a Venti and a Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte. With skim milk — no whipped cream.”

  Sammi’s eyes widened, her back rigid as she stared in silence at her. Caroline had apparently been so angry at that moment that she hadn’t seen Sammi’s obvious reluctance to speak up. Watching it on video though, it was plain as day. “But… I thought Maxim didn’t want you drinking coffee with all that syrup and milk? Didn’t he—”

  “Did I ask you what the fuck Maxim said? No, I didn’t. Get me my fucking coffee and keep your commentary to yourself.” Caroline watched herself pivot on her heel, and stalk toward her office. She spun back, facing Sammi again.

  She stole a glance at Maxim, his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed as he watched the damning video. He liked Sammi. His watching this didn’t bode well for the health of her backside.

  “And another thing,” Caroline said, her hands on her hips as she glared at her admin.

  Caroline closed her eyes as she listened, knowing that what she was about to say on that video would have a direct influence on how sore her ass would be tomorrow.

  “You may be all cute and skinny now, Sammi — because you have the time to work out and do all the right things. But I’ve seen pictures of you as a fat little girl, and I’m pretty sure that once you get married and pop out a couple kids, you may end up on a reality TV show for your weight. So, how about you just toddle off and get my coffee?”